Live streaming is the delivery of Internet content in real-time, as events occur, just like live television broadcasts via television broadcasts through television signals. Internet streaming requires the form of source media (video camera, audio interface, screen capture software) encoder to digitize content, media publishers and content delivery networks to distribute and deliver content.
We build this platform using a blockchain system and make it a live streaming protocol that will make your experience better on live events.We guarantee the integrity and censorship of the media market for this platform, so you will get uncensored quality content from related institutions. We will pay you every second, minute, ad break, tip / donation, subscription plan, etc. Our platform will have features, where broadcasters can directly face to face with individuals / companies that need their content for business purposes, and we will provide this feature quickly and seamlessly, at a lower price. Below we will describe the On.Live Platform project.
What is On.Live Platform?
The On.Live Platform revolutionized the market of video broadcasting and remote consulting. It offers unlimited scalability and utilization of Blockchain Technology and a truly decentralized Peer-to-Peer network. Anyone can contribute to the system if they have the power and bandwidth. Smart assistance for this contribution is guaranteed by decentralization and a new confirmation by ONL tokens.
On.Live Platform is a live streaming video protocol supported by Blockchain technology. It ensures a full decentralization, high scalability and open market for censored uncensored media broadcasts worldwide. Everyone's Live Network can become an Announcer and earn money to present valuable content across various businesses. model: Pay Per View, Pay Per Minute, In-Stream Payments, Advertising, Tips / Donations, Subscription Plans etc.
OnLive solves many problems from the offline world where people need direct contact with professionals to get important advice. This is often problematic and expensive. Difficulties for this type of service should be fast, easy and unlimited and always of the highest quality, and possibly thanks to OnLive Network.Official Site https://on.live/
How Can On.Live Work?
Creators or service providers create their own channels where they can sell live 1: 1.1: 8 services or they can broadcast to a wide audience of 1: many on PPV, PPM, PPD, etc. and sign smart contracts for transcoding and relay services.
Customers pay for completed services and for access to various live video broadcasts.

Sales Token On.Live
We use blockchain to control transactions and settlements (tokens) and we have platforms for real-time communications, commerce and transactions. The ONL Token is an integral element of the OnLive Platform. It is used as the transmission and transcoding service cost currency to provide incentives on decentralized computing necessary for video broadcasting.Furthermore, this is the only payment option on our platform.
The ONL Token is an integral element of the OnLive Platform. This is used as a means for radio broadcasting required for video broadcasting. Furthermore, this is the only payment option on our platform.
Here rician token ONL:
Pre-ICO Start: 22-01-2018 up to 22-02-2018 11:00 UTC
ICO Started: 11-03-2018 up to 11-04-2018
Token Type: Token Utility
Maximum supply: 111,000,000 ONLT
oken is available in
Pre-ICO: 12,210,000 ONL
Tokens available at ICO: 61,050,000 ONL
Pre-ICO Hard Cap: 14,000
ICO Hard Cap: 100,000 ETH
How to participate?
We've set up detailed instructions for anyone who has not been comfortable in navigating the cryptocurrency world. Check out the steps to install the wallet, how to buy Ethereal (ETH) and how to send to OnLive during the token crowd with Token Token agreement. You can directly visit https://on.live/
On.Live Street Map
Q1 2018
Widespread marketing and communications activities connected to the platform. Create Launch Pre.OrGroup Pre ICO and ICO - Tocken, wait for the token registration on the crypto exchange. Prepare for the On.Live platform launch
Q2 2018
Launched the platform, recruiting the first critical mass of users / broadcasters in the UK and US. Launching one-to-one (WEB), PPV, PPM, PPD, PPE Escrow, Smart Intelligence, ONL, Pay.On.Live, Partnerships. The ONL Token is an integral element of the OnLive Platform. This is used as a cost currency and this is a one-terms payment option
Q3 2018
Launch one to many broadcasts (WEB), public broadcast (centralized version), all Pay models. Looking for Transoding partners around the world
Q4 2018
The widening of generic activity into the new sector increases the number of users / broadcasters, language versions. Set up mobile version (iOS and Android) versions for one-to-one modules. Smart Real time contract, Escrow, Pay.On.Live
H1 2019
Decentralization, open one by one live streaming ecosystem. enable one-to-one transmission and build onlive based applications. Decentralization, open one by one live streaming ecosystem. enable one-to-one transmission and build onlive based applications
H2 2019
OnLive one to many public broadcasts, open code for everyone. For video delivery directly to the network, transcode into various formats and bitrate and sell.
For more information about On.Live Platform you can visit us at:
WEBSITE - Whitepaper - Telegram - ANN THREAD - BOUNTY THREAD
Pengguna: virman01
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