Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Teknik yang Efektif untuk Layanan Infrastruktur Blockchain Titanium yang Dapat Anda Gunakan Memulai Segera

Top Pilihan Layanan Infrastruktur Blockchain Titanium

Saat pelanggan sakit, mungkin perlu beberapa minggu untuk mengenali barang, kiriman dan vendor. Meskipun layanan berbasis awan sangat ideal untuk perusahaan besar, namun layanan ini juga diverifikasi ideal untuk bisnis kecil dan menengah. Banyak layanan Cloud juga menyediakan aplikasi seluler sehingga Anda mungkin memiliki akses ke file Anda meskipun perangkat yang Anda gunakan.

Anda harus memahami teknologi pemrograman agar bisa menciptakan rutinitas. Baca whitepaper kami untuk belajar bagaimana mungkin memanfaatkan teknologi baru ini sekarang juga! Teknologi Blockchain mengoperasikan apa yang disebut konsensus jaringan terdistribusi. Ini menciptakan sebuah buku besar transaksi digital.

Umumnya, agen kepegawaian harus memastikan bahwa mereka mematuhi undang-undang perburuhan bangsa. Jika misalnya, Anda memulai agen kepegawaian Anda sendiri dan hanya itu yang menangani perekrutan perawat untuk industri perawatan di rumah di seluruh tempat, Anda dapat dipastikan memonopoli aspek kepegawaian sejak kapan Anda memulai. Entah Anda sedang memeriksa bagaimana memulai sebuah agen kepegawaian internet atau bisnis berbasis kantor, ini adalah pilihan bisnis kecil yang berpotensi sangat layak bagi orang-orang yang menyukai pekerjaan untuk mencocokkan personil dengan bisnis dan pekerjaan yang sesuai. Sewaktu Anda mempersiapkan diri tentang cara terbaik untuk memulai agen kepegawaian internet, ingatlah bahwa dalam hal perekrutan, pengembangan hubungan pribadi adalah segalanya. Begitu Anda memulai agen perekrutan,

Anda harus memeriksa bisnis dari sudut bisnis. Menyebarkan blockchain perusahaan-lebar berarti perusahaan sering harus memo proses bisnis mereka sekarang dan mulai dari awal. Siapa pun yang telah berusaha untuk memulai perusahaan di masa lalu memperhatikan tantangan yang dihadapi dengan memenuhi persyaratan hukum untuk mendirikan perusahaan. Ini sebenarnya dibuat untuk kebutuhan perusahaan atau perusahaan karena perusahaan selalu perlu mencetak banyak data. Seiring bisnis berkembang, mereka mulai mengalami beberapa tantangan teknologi informasi dan ketepatan informasi yang sangat sulit. Anda juga membantu bisnis untuk menemukan kandidat yang tepat sesuai dengan lowongan pekerjaan yang mereka miliki. Bagi mereka yang memiliki bisnis dalam memasarkan iklan maka Anda harus mencetak spanduk dengan gambar berkualitas tinggi atau kualitas foto.

Organisasi ini beroperasi di industri yang sangat ketat. Bisnis IaaS menyediakan bisnis dengan aplikasi komputasi internet seperti penyimpanan, server, database dan perangkat lunak. Meski begitu, organisasi baru saja mulai mengecek potensi. Intel perusahaan chip komputer terbesar di planet ini telah membuat keputusan untuk menginvestasikan lebih dari $ 1 miliar di India.

Metode Tried and True untuk Layanan Infrastruktur Blok Titanium di Langkah demi Langkah

Jika Anda mengalami tantangan dengan manajemen beban kerja atau Anda memperhatikan ketegangan karyawan dan tidak adanya motivasi kerja, bermitra dengan ahli untuk mendapatkan taktik terbaik untuk menangani tenaga kerja Anda. Dengan alat, informasi dan rencana yang benar, tidak ada alasan mengapa konsultasi dan rekrutmen staf kecil Anda dapat tumbuh, berkembang, sejahtera, dan bersaing dengan pemain mapan lainnya dalam bisnis ini. Misalnya, Anda dapat memilih untuk hanya menawarkan staf pendukung administrasi tingkat menengah seharusnya hanya memilih perusahaan Fortune 500.

Informasi lebih lanjut lihat di bawah ini:

PENULIS: Virman01


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Fastinvest, merge fiat and cryptocurrencies

FASTINVEST is the successfully operating business. Since 2015 team of dedicated specialist are developing powerful investment platform that is based on investing in consumer loans across Europe and globally. However, they are expanding and building new infrastructure on the blockchain to offer new digital banking products. Fastinvest will merge fiat and cryptocurrencies and enable users to use both for their daily banking operations. Lending, borrowing, investing, payments - our day-to-day banking habits avoiding the convoluted bureaucracy. FASTINVEST will provide investment solutions, unlike traditional investment - real estate, private equity, and other structured finance products. They seek to help people generate secure and stable passive income streams and thereby achieve financial freedom.

Fast Invest extends the platform to a new infrastructure in blockchain technology to offer a wider set of financial products. They created the digital banking system, prioritizing the investment sector to help people generate a safe passive income stream and thus achieve financial freedom. Fast Invest will provide investment solutions, which are different from traditional investments. Investment solutions, such as real estate, private equity, and other structured financial products. They want to create an elegant, intuitive and direct alternative to their everyday banking habits, avoiding complicated bureaucratic mechanisms.

Fastinvest creates a crypto community, enabling people to move money at low cost and high processing speed. Platform users will have the opportunity to invest, borrow, exchange crypto and fiat currencies without having the technical knowledge of crypto and blocking technology, thus making the Global Invest User Platform userfriendly, reliable, secure and accessible.

Fast Invest: From Passion To Vision

Fast Invest's team is developing a platform, which includes P2P
investment, e-money wallets, and currency exchange. After successfully withdrawing from ICO, they will begin to create additional products for individuals and legal entities: extension of loans, as well as the opportunity to obtain FastInvest premium payment cards. The Fast Invest platform will be available as an iOS and Android app. Funds will be used to advance their current operational products to existing clients, and to advance the Fast Invest platform by integrating new financial instruments for digital money operations.

The team is poised to expand its investment platform Quick Financial Investigation into the blockchain community on the Ethereal network as a smart contracting technology. and strive to support major cryptocurrencies, including Ethereal, Bitcoin, and Ripple.

FIT token ERC20 based on Ethereal they will be the only way to use Quick Invest Crypto account. As long as you hold 1000 FIT tokens, you will have access to all available crypto products. There are no higher and hidden costs for certain financial transactions, buying goods or services, financing or saving your money.

In addition, the decentralization system is closely linked to data security and transaction transparency. For them, as a FinTech company, this is one of the highest priorities in their daily work - to maintain the security of their client data and create a bulletproof machine for the platform. They are currently working on the integration of the Machine Learning module, which will scan their platform for suspicious behavior. They are "crazy" about their products, and they want to make them reachable to the rest of the world. Fast Invest focuses on global expansion, and their eyes are set in North America and Asia.

They are real, operating business

Fast Invest ( is an operating online investment marketplace which allows its members to invest in consumer-based loans. Today they have 8500+ satisfied daily customers across Europe, along with 50+ employees.

Fast Invest builds a sustainable and scalable model of investment which does not require traditional bank support, and which enables the investors to grow their investment portfolio, earning passive income faster and easier than in conventional credit institutions. They offer their clients to invest in granted loans with the annual return of 8% to 15% interest rate.

Fast Invest Tokens

A Fast Invest token is the key to the crypto community asset. To become a Fast Invest Premium crypto-account member, you need to get a minimum of 1000 Fast Invest tokens. The first 1000 members with will be awarded Fast Invest Special Edition payment cards.

6 Reason to be FIT Token Holder

  1. Limited number of token holder will become Fast Invest crypto account user.
  2. Member will have access to all crypto Service on the same Platform
  3. Exchange cryptocurrency to other digital or fiat currency, using a web or mobile app.
  4. Complete transparency of clients data and transaction.
  5. Fast Invest tokens will be trade on global exchanges.
  6. No client identification required.

Sales Token

A total of 777,000 tokens will be generated. Of that amount, as many as 50% of tokens produced will go to crowdsale participants. FastInvest token crowdsale will take place on December 4, 2017 at 10:00 London time and will be distributed until 31 January 2018 3:00 pm. During ICO, Quick Invest token will be distributed with a discount structure: 20% bonus tokens until a soft stamp is reached.

The investment quick token ratio is 1,000 FIT = 1 ETH. Only Ethereum is accepted as a method of payment during ICO No minimum investment is required. To support our business development, an address for sending Ethereal (ETH) currency will be designated.

FIT deliveries from smart contracts will occur shortly after ETH is accepted. FIT will be traded and exchanged after the token sale expires. We expect FIT to be traded on major exchanges by June 2018.


2015 1Q= Opening a European headquarters in the United Kingdom

2015 1Q= Start of platform development

2015 4Q= Official opening of the Fast Invest platform

2015 4Q= Integration of multi-currency Digital wallet

2016 1Q= Integration of Currency Exchange Tool v1.0

2016 1Q= Opening a Poland branch

2016 1Q= Settling our presence in Poland and Polish zloty integration

2016 1Q= Settling our presence in Finland

2016 2Q= Settling our presence in Germany

2016 2Q= Opening a Lithuania branch

2016 3Q = Fast Invest platform update v2.0

2016 3Q = Auto Invest tool update v2.0

2017 1Q= Settling our presence in France

2017 2Q= Settling our presence in Spain

2017 3Q= Opening an Italy branch

2017 3Q= Settling our presence in Italy

2017 3Q = Fast Invest platform update v3.0

2017 3Q = Auto Invest tool update v3.0

2017 4Q= ICO Crowdsale

2018 1Q= Mobile App for Android and iOS

2018 2Q= Opening a North America headquarters

2018 2Q= Entering the United States and Canada markets

2018 3Q= Premium crypto-account for FIT tokens holders community

2018 3Q= Introduction of Crypto-currencies

2018 3Q= Integration of Digital Currency Exchange Tool v2.0

2018 4Q= Opening a Hong Kong headquarters

2018 4Q= Entering Hong Kong and China markets

2019 1Q= Introduction of Premium Payment Card

2019 2Q= Introduction of Digital Investing Service

2019 2Q= Opening a Singapore branch

2019 2Q = Entering Asia markets

2019 3Q= Introduction of Digital Lending Service

2019 4Q= Becoming Global digital banking company

For more information you can visiting this link:

User: virman01

BTT Profile:;u=927536

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

UGChain-kampanye ekosistem dan kampanye karunia yang terdesentralisasi

Mengapa ugChain memilih industri game?

Industri game memiliki userbase yang besar. Saat ini ukuran gamer userbase Cina hampir 507 juta. Selain itu, ukuran pasar industri game akan mencapai triliun skala dalam waktu dekat. Ada ruang lingkup untuk margin keuntungan yang sangat besar.

Kami percaya bahwa masalah dalam industri game bisa diatasi dengan menerapkan teknologi blockchain yang tepat. Dengan demikian blockchain dalam waktu dekat akan dianggap sebagai tren yang tak terelakkan bagi perkembangan industri game.

Apa keunggulan kompetitifnya?

  • ugChain adalah game pertama yang berfokus pada ekosistem berdasarkan teknologi blockchain di China. Pada bulan April 2017, ugChain menyelesaikan platform aplikasi berbasis blockchain yang pertama untuk gaming.
  • ugChain mendorong atribut kontrak cerdas dari blockchain untuk mengatasi kerepotan dan gangguan kriya transaksi saat ini dalam industri ini.
  • Platform gaming berbasis blockchain tidak hanya memiliki kemampuan pemberdayaan teknologi, namun juga memperkuat integrasi sumber daya.
Dengan pengalaman tanpa cela dalam pengembangan aplikasi berbasis blockchain dan operasi industri game, ugChain telah bekerja dengan sejumlah perusahaan dan platform game utama.


Seratus juta (100.000.000) UGTs diproduksi sebagai persediaan token UGT.
Pasokan UGToken dialokasikan sebagai berikut:

45% UGTs (45.000.000) didistribusikan melalui crowdsale

30% UGTs (30.000.000) akan dialokasikan untuk inisiatif masyarakat dalam pengembangan bisnis, serta penelitian dan pendidikan akademis

10% UGTs (10.000.000) didistribusikan ke promosi dan perluasan pasar

10% UGTs (10.000.000) didistribusikan di antara para pendiri, dan tim pengembang

5% UGTs (10.000.000) didistribusikan di antara pendukung awal dan konsultan

Tim Darah Emas Baru

Bagian dari pengembangan usaha pribadi, tim kami terus berkembang dan berkembang. Masa depan yang cerah dan kekuatan teknis dari proyek ini juga menarik talenta yang lebih luar biasa.

Dalam tata letak strategis ugChain, kantor Chengdu akan berfungsi sebagai pusat operasi dan pengembangan pendaratan. Sementara itu, ugChain secara aktif membangun cabang luar negeri lainnya termasuk yang ada di Inggris; untuk mewujudkan perubahan baru dalam pengenalan proyek, mitra kerja sama dan pertemuan pengembang.

Hadiah akan berakhir pada tanggal 31/01/2018

Kampanye 1: Kampanye Twitter

Kolam: (33%) 500.000 UGT ≈ 500 ETH

Kampanye 2: Kampanye Telegram

Kolam: (33%) 500.000 UGT ≈ 500 ETH

Kampanye 3: Kampanye Blog

Kolam: (33%) 500.000 UGT ≈ 500 ETH

Informasi lebih lanjut

Nama pengguna: virman01


Monday, January 1, 2018

SocialX - Platform for talent

Greetings to all.

Today we will again be talking about the new generation social networking - SocialX. Everyone can read the previous article about this social network: The new generation social network - SocialX

In the last article, I talked about the benefits of SocialX as opposed to traditional social networks. Today I want to talk about the opportunities for quick and convenient income, which opens SocialX to all its users.

And now let's take a look at some of the professions and how SocialX helps them earn revenue on their social networks:


You are a simple lover, you make a good photo, and you like it. You see that your photos are getting more popular among your friends and users you do not even know. You have an idea: "What if I do not really make a bad photo? And what if I can make money for it?" But then you parted ways with the cliff of modern reality. You need to choose photobanks to sell your photos. You should find out the ins and outs of each photobank rule, sign up and if successful, then pull money from each photo bank apart. For simple users, this is an unlikely operation.

At SocialX go a step further and simplify the whole procedure. They make sharing and selling photos as simple as possible. When you publish a photo, you enter some criteria for your photo and publish it. Every customer or network user can buy photos from you in a few clicks by transferring the internal crypto currency - SOCX. Now you do not need to understand the conditions of various services and think to attract funds. SocialX gives you the opportunity to sell your photos to be found on social networks you know.


How does a modern budding writer make money in the modern world? Most likely he has to beat the threshold of many publishers in the hope that his works will be noticed by the visionary publishers. And even after that the text will be edited significantly, then printed in limited edition and moved to bookstore. In addition to complexity, this process has a long process of return, not to mention the coverage of spectators and other pitfalls.

SocialX accelerates and simplifies the process. If you're a writer and you get good text, you can simply publish text on SocialX social networks. Good text with nerve radios will sweep across the social network and will give you not only the views, but also the internal currency - SOCX. All your creativity fans will now wait for your text to continue and will choose the quality of the material not by abstract Laika, but with a very real crypto currency.

Video Operator

Please imagine that you are capturing great video clips, you install it amazingly, which results in wonderful video content. How can you make money from this content in the modern world? We all know about the censorship problem for known streaming video services: Youtube, Vimeo, etc. In addition, your video may be deleted at any time. For example, if you break the lemurs feeling in the western part of Madagascar, when a video of eucalyptus trees is torn apart (fiction by the author). So it's still unclear how to make money on it. Search for a manager who will sell your video content to an ad network or tap a company video with your video clip example. I'm sure many talents are languishing in the backyard of history because of all these technical issues. And only the units can stand out.

SocialX is in a hurry to help in this situation. If you have unique video content, if this content is high quality and well liked by users - here's what you need for regular earnings. Create content, social networking social users will select it as the actual SOCX currency.


Streaming is a fairly new trend in modern culture. There are enough sites to stream with their own conditions and difficulties. If you're involved in streaming, you need to keep up with special services, or spend a lot of time learning the rules and promoting some services. And as long as the viewers on this service intersect one way or another, then you should spend more time on empty work.

Team SocialX develops a powerful platform for streaming video. With the help of simple and easy-to-use services, you can share your impressions, talk about your life and your impressions, showcase the quality of games in computer games and more. You do not need to understand the ins and outs of the payment system. You do not need to learn the rules and procedures of various services. SocialX brings together your followers in one place and allows them to pay you for stream quality. You will receive SOCX tokens from users who choose content you create.

You can be skeptical of a new block project. But this is no longer the future, this is where we are. SocialX has a real chance to drive off traditional social networks and services from Olympus. SocialX gives users the opportunity to remove content created as they see fit, and also to get this content in an understandable ecosystem. It is undeniable, SocialX will revolutionize modern social networking.

More information about the project you can find on the official website of the project:

And also to support the developers at the upcoming ICO, which 
begins very soon - on August 18th.

Username: virman01
